Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 7th

Highlight of the week was obviously the baptism! It was GREAT! 

We were busy all week preparing. Teaching final lessons, interview for baptism, planning the service, giving assignments, practicing music, preparing testimonies, inviting members and friends, daily contact with Yamauchi Shimai, heart attacks, putting together a gift, communicating with the Ward, etc. etc. It was busy but fun! And we survived! We also had a day of exchanges with the Takao sisters and a day at mission leadership council! 

There was hardly time for finding activities, and we have so much to improve, but God always has something to teach us. And I am grateful for all that He has taught me this transfer as I've given more focused energy to His work and His children. I've learned so much from my companions and from Yamauchi Shimai and the other members and missionaries. I continue to be impressed with the faith of the Saints here in Japan. So happy for Yamauchi Shimai who has joined the Saints, joined a family! 

After her baptismal interview, she was exhausted!! We went out to lunch with her and filled out her baptismal record and she said it was a tiredness/fatigue of JOY! Oh how I know the "yorokobi no tsukare" so very well! She felt the same after her baptism, just SO happy and on a spiritual high. There were many friends who called her on the days leading up to her baptism and many who attended the service, including the Sato sisters from Yokohama who she had met at FHE. There were also 8 investigators from surrounding areas who were able to attend and view the baptism. The Takao sisters were able to set a date for baptism with their investigator, after the baptism. Set for the 4th of July, because she loves America! 

The service was great! One of our RC/LA members was able to attend, which was a miracle!! She hasn't come to church in weeks!! We will just have to call her and follow up. I hope it brought back the feelings of joy she had at her baptism last year. Sister Wilson, Sister Suzuki and I had the privilege of "introducing" Yamauchi Shimai! 
Here's my quick translation of what I said: 
Yamauchi is 82 years old. She is old enough to be our grandma but because she is a teenager at heart, she is young enough to be our best friend. When I found out her age I was surprised! She is super energetic and strong. I feel that we were friends in the preexistence. We lived together in the preexistence and rejoiced and were excited for the chance to come to earth. Yamauchi Shimai was born earlier than we were but through God's guidance we were able to meet again in Japan. She is a social person and makes friends easily. She is funny and always has a good joke. Her smile is really cute and she likes to laugh! Yamauchi Shimai is a really diligent person. She does everything with all her might! She likes being busy. A very hard worker, she worked until she was 78 years old. She is really kind. When she has something or knows something good she always gives or recommends it to others. She also has a desire to share the joy of this gospel. She loves to talk. Even when I don't understand her Japanese it's fun! I'm so happy I met such a cute friend. I want to be her best friend forever and for eternity! 
When she bore her testimony at the service, she testified of how she planted a seed of faith in her heart and from here to wants to prepare for the blessings of the temple and endure to the end. She said her desire to be baptized grew more and more over time. She has truly converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and I am so happy for her! She has experienced true joy as she has made covenants with God and been welcomed with open arms by the Ward. After her baptism she was too happily exhausted to go home and couldn't carry all her things and presents, so we took her stuff for her and went to dinner with her so she could get enough energy to go home! 

Post-baptism Dinner

On Sunday she received the gift of the Holy Ghost! It was so happy! Oh also, miracle... She wore a dress on Saturday and Sunday! Adorable! It was out of her comfort zone, but she felt the importance to dress in her best. So her confirmation was complicated because the priesthood holder didn't say the right words. And no one really noticed or said anything until after sacrament meeting. So after the meeting when I asked for his signature he said he couldn't sign it because he messed up and she would have to be confirmed again! Devastated!! Through discussions among the bishopric and stake presidency, and calls with us everyone decided the confirmation was valid and if the bishop felt necessary she could receive the blessing again in private. So it was all go to send the baptismal record to the mission home so her membership record could be made ASAP. The mission home likes to receive it within 2 days so the new convert's record can be made so they can receive endowments after exactly a year. Well at this point, it's 8:30 and we are barely gonna make it home from our appointment in time. 8:59. And the priesthood holder finally calls us back... we really needed his signature!! We decide we would wake up early and meet him anywhere! Before he goes to work! So we woke at 5 this morning and rode bikes to the station where he takes the train to work and got the signature and the record is in the mail. She is a member of the church. Yay! Adventure! 

Our lessons with members have been very effective recently. We have really prayed to know what commitment to extend and what message or principles to teach with the members. It has really strengthened our relationship with the Ward to plan and prepare specifically for them rather than have them act as our investigator in a mogi lesson setting. They have experienced the power of God through the lessons and have increased in their trust in the missionaries. There were several members who bore testimony of the importance of missionary work and the power of God in his work. They shared experiences of the Spirit they have been able to feel as they've received lessons from the missionaries and keep the commitments they have received. After the meeting, many more members approached us to set appointments. We have really focused our lessons and commitments on helping the members do missionary work. We have had many members suggest ideas for helping our current investigators, ideas for visiting their friends or less active members, etc. I'm grateful for this Ward and their desire and faith. President Hinckley spoke of the importance of members in missionary work, saying there must be a better way to do missionary work than knocking on doors. The work will continue to be hastened as the members increase their testimonies and take courage and open their mouths to share the gospel and speak with their friends. I think the principle, "talk with everyone" is a principle than can help both full time missionaries and member missionaries. I want to apply that principle throughout my life. 
Our district has also discussed planning a fireside with the members to help them understand what they can do to participate in missionary work. There are many members with the desire, but no idea about what they can do. I know I was that kind of member before my mission. I am grateful for the relationships I've made within the church here in Japan. I know this church is true. 

President Wada told me last transfer that the best days were still ahead. Last week he said, "these are the best days of your life". These really are the best days. So exhausted and busy, but it's a tiredness of JOY. The days are coming to an end at full speed and way faster than I ever imagined they would. You kind of think at the beginning that time will never run out and you'll literally be here for forever. And you take a second to count the days til you go home because it's too long and too impossible. But then you learn to love the work and love the people and before you know it... You're bearing your final testimony, giving your last training, eating your last grain of rice, teaching your last eikaiwa lesson, and saying goodbye to people and places you might never return to. But this is JOY. 

2 Nephi 5:27 is my theme scripture for this transfer: "and it came to pass that we lived after he manner of happiness" 

There's just not enough time to worry about things of no eternal value. Take some time to lay up the best treasures! :) 

I love you all so much. 
Sister Reeves

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