Friday, July 17, 2015

June 29th

Hey y'all!
Wow. I cannot believe it. I have about a thousand and one feelings
right now. Really sad, reflective, excited, stressed, nervous, happy,
and then part of me has no idea what to feel. Well, I've been a
missionary for over 18 months. Sometimes it seemed to drag and
sometimes a day or week or transfer or year would fly by in the blink
of an eye.

Dinner at the Tsukada Home 
Serving a mission is the hardest thing I've ever done. But it's SO
worth it. I hope these experiences will be a part of me forever. I
can't imagine my near future and that's scary. I literally cannot
imagine seeing my family again and getting on a plane to go back to
America. I think all my "goodbyes" will be "see you laters" because
that's a lot easier to do. I don't know when I will ever come back,
but hope it's soon!

Picture in the Biggest Cemetery 

 "In light of what we know about our eternal destiny, is it any wonder
that whenever we face the bitter endings of life, they seem
unacceptable to us? There seems to be something inside of us that
resists endings.
                        Why is this? Because we are made of the stuff of eternity. We are
eternal beings, children of the Almighty God, whose name is Endless
and who promises eternal blessings without number. Endings are not our
                        The more we learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the more we
realize that endings here in mortality are not endings at all. They
are merely interruptions--temporary pauses that one day will seem
small compared to the eternal joy awaiting the faithful.
                        How grateful I am to my Heavenly Father that in His plan there are
no true endings, only everlasting beginnings."
President Uchtdorf

Last Sunday in Hachioji with the YSA 

 So I guess this isn't the end. It's just another beginning! And that's
exciting and fun! And I can't wait to see what's in store!

Fun things that happened this week:

We had the opportunity to meet with Brother Mills (I can't remember
what his calling is...) to learn about new pamphlets that have been
made especially for missions teaching those without a Christian
background. The new pamphlets are called, "what to expect", "who is
God?", and "who is Jesus Christ?". These pamphlets don't replace the
missionary lessons but help to build a foundation and understanding of
basic principles and concepts. We did lots of practice and I am so
excited! Our mission is the first to have these pamphlets... And
they're in Japanese! Yay!

We went to a beautiful park with millions of hydrangeas. So many
different kinds and colors. We took tons of pictures and then went out
for sushi!

Thanks, Sister Nukui! 

Zone meeting in the morning! Sister Wilson and I trained on
self-reliance and the resources available for the members and
investigators in our area. The gospel truly blesses us in every aspect
of our lives because all things are spiritual to our Heavenly Father.
When Christ teaches the women at the well, he teaches her about a
spiritual water that will satisfy all her spiritual desires and bless
her both temporally and spiritually.

District: Elder Cook, Elder Rockwood, Sister Reeves, Sister Suzuki, 
Sister Wilson, Elder Coggins, Elder Dunn


John4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him
shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in
him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
This water is the gospel. The gospel has been a great blessing in my
life. I know our Heavenly Father loves us and "is anxious to support
[us] in [our] practical and specific challenges." PMG chapter 4.

After zone meeting we went on exchanges with the Kofu sisters. Sister
Kaizaki came and worked with Sister Suzuki and me in Hachioji. But...
She had left her bag on the train and the train went over an hour away
before someone found the bag and turned it in. So we spent like three
hours traveling to get her bag from the North mission's area. And she
had already traveled from Kofu that morning... Which is at least an
hour and a half away. Long day! It was fun though, to work with two
Japanese sisters! And sister Kaizaki is the best! She is so real and
so loving and an outstanding missionary!


Taught our recent convert friends! Had a lesson with the Kawatani's
and with Yamauchi Shimai! And then did weekly planning for my last

Another day living on a train. We had a meeting with the stake
president and mission president and all Zone leaders, district
leaders, and sister training leaders in the stake. Then we went to
Kichijoji to split with some other sisters so Sister Wilson could go
teach hula at a luau in a neighboring stake. Then we went back to
Hachioji for district meeting. Then back to Kichijoji to meet sister
Wilson and then back to Hachioji for a stake music night! The music
night was way good! So many people came and everyone who performed was
awesome!! We had 4 friends in attendance: Mine, Hiura, Shiori, and
Miyuki! It was so fun!

Last week in Hachioji! I got to give a talk in sacrament meeting. I
spoke on charity and shared a couple experiences and lessons from my
mission. It was so bitter sweet to say goodbyes but I felt really
loved and important. Sometimes you don't know if your efforts have
made a difference but when I received everyone's hugs, I realized that
they had made a difference in my life and maybe I made a small
difference in theirs. I love these people so much!

We had a miracle lesson with our friend, Noriko San! She is the one
who lived with a Mormon family in salt lake in her 20s. She had been
to church every week and had visited temple square. She talked about
how their family read the Book of Mormon together and always prayed.
She talked about the special feelings she felt in their home and near
the temple. She is still in touch with this family after so many years
and really wants her family to be like theirs. We read from her family
proclamation together and gave her a copy of her Book of Mormon in
Japanese. She was so happy to receive it and wants to study and learn

Last Pday. Crazy!
I can't wait to see you and show you around!

Life is short. A mission is WAY too short. I will NEVER regret the
decision I made to be here. I love the Lord and that's why I became a
missionary. I feel so blessed to have been able to serve in the Tokyo
South mission! I am coming home with lots of souvenirs and lots of
memories. But I think the greatest things I will bring home are a
greater love for my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, and a
greater love for and knowledge of his gospel and for the Book of
Mormon. I KNOW the gospel is true!!

I love you,

Sister Reeves