Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14th


Updates ...

Tuesday: Visited a cute family in the ward who I didn't really know
before. We made games for the kids to play to try to pay attention in
conference! They were so full of energy and so fun! I love being on a
mission in Japan. One of my favorite parts is getting to know the
members. Most are first generation or second generation members of the
church so it's really cool to hear conversion stories and be uplifted
by their testimonies and faith. Also, sooo many of them are returned
missionaries and have a huge desire to help with the work!
We went to visit a member who just came back from the Philippines for
her mother's funeral. She wasn't home so we left a note, and rang the
doorbells of all the apartments in her building. It was dinner time so
everyone was busy, but one cute mom said we could come visit another
time! We tried the members home again and she and her daughter were
home! They welcomed us with huge hugs... Pretty rare to receive a big
hug in Japan, but they are Filipino ;) we talked with them and shared
a message about eternal families, but they were the ones who taught
us!! They spoke of the love they have for their family, but also the
hope they have because of the plan of salvation. They each bore
testimony of the love and comfort they have received during this time
of loss. And they are truly happy. They also have lots of fire for
missionary work! They have been helping us a ton with our Filipino
investigator and want to help us find and teach and participate in
missionary work in any way possible. The daughter is 21 but can't
serve full time for medical reasons, but really wants to be a
missionary and fellowship our friends.

Wednesday: the Ishizaka couple invited us and choi Shimai (our
investigator with a baptismal date) over for lunch and a lesson at
their home. It was amazing! They are so strong and have so much love.
We taught about the law of chastity and focused the lesson on the
importance of families and eternal relationships. Choi Shimai had
never heard of this commandment before but it really touched her
because of her desire for a happy family. It was a spiritual
experience rather than an awkward one as we testified of her worth,
Christ's power to heal, and the strength that comes into our family
relationships as we are faithful. After the lesson, they let me play
their piano and we sang each of our favorite hymns. Ishizaka shimai's
favorite is the third verse of away in a manger. They lost their son
when he was a young boy. She went to the temple for comfort and the
words of the hymn ran through her mind "be near me Lord Jesus, I ask
thee to stay close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all the
dear children in thy tender care and fit us for heaven to live with
thee there." Because of this gospel I have hope. I know that death is
not the end. We can experience such joy and growth as families here on
earth and it's great! But our relationships in heaven will be even
better. More than we can imagine. Perfect!
2 And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among
us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we
do not now enjoy.
D&C 130:2
Later we visited a less active member and knocked on doors near her
home. Lately, my companion and I have been trying out finding the old
fashioned way... Cause where do you find families?! At home!
We met with Juri and Moeka (investigator from kichijoji) for dinner.
We really want to meet with juri and teach her about the gospel. She
doesn't have tons of interest, but as she listens to he message we
know she will! Moeka talked about how she loves taking lessons with
the sisters in kichijoji. The two girls came to general conference
this weekend and both really enjoyed it!

We had an appointment with a less active who lives forever and a year
away but she wasn't home when we got there... We did a LOT of housing.
We met a lady who prays to God everyday, but doesn't really go to
church or read the bible anymore. We introduced the Book of Mormon to
her and bore testimony and showed her how it answers questions we all
have in our hearts. She expressed interest in some of the questions of
the soul, but wouldn't accept the Book of Mormon. I feel sad when my
brothers and sisters don't want to learn more, but I feel successful
when I give them that choice. I am grateful for opportunities I have
to bear my testimony. It is the act of saying those precious truths
out loud that confirm to me that I really do believe and know. This
church is true! God lives. He loves us! The Book of Mormon is his
We visited a member for her birthday and returned to a nearby home of
people who said we could return sometime. Not super fruitful but left
them with a restoration pamphlet, a map to the church, and contact
information for the missionaries.

Friday: had lunch with a recent convert and talked about her conversion story.
My companion started feeling sick so she slept for quite awhile while
I contacted our investigators and started calling everyone in the
ward... Starting with the families I didn't know... Setting up
appointments to share messages. If I'm here again next transfer, my
goal will be to get to know each family in the ward and have a
relationship with them.
Shitami Shimai still wasn't feeling well, so eyring Shimai came with
me to our lesson appointment. We went to The Asada couple's home for
dinner and a lesson with choi Shimai. It was amazing in every way.
Asada Shimai has one of the strongest testimonies ever. She is one of
my favorites! Japanese people don't really say I love you, but I know
for sure that she loves me. Her testimony of covenants is incredible.
She was married in the Hawaii temple and it was all done in English so
she didn't understand at all. When she was able to attend the temple
in Japan and hear the words of the covenant, she knew she had already
made those promises and must follow no matter what. Her marriage has
not been easy and all of her children are in active, but she is
faithful and true to her covenants and continues to love her family
unconditionally. When we compliment her beautiful family, she agrees
and comments wishfully that it could be even more beautiful if each
one was a covenant keeping member of the church. I think it was a good
experience to have our investigator in her home! The conversation at
the dinner table was all about church! We heard Asada shimai's
conversion story, and when she first believed in God, we talked about
callings and commandments and how God strengthens us to be able to do
what he needs us to do. The Lord always provides a way!

General Conference!!! Choi Shimai and juri came!! It was incredible! I
loved elder klebingat's talk about spiritual confidence!! I feel like
it was exactly what I needed to hear.

"No matter what your current status, the very moment you voluntarily
choose honest, joyful, daily repentance by striving to simply do and
be your very best, the Savior's Atonement envelops and follows you,
as it were, wherever you go. Living in this manner, you can truly
always retain a remission of your sins (Mosiah 4:12) every hour of
every day, every second of every minute, and thus be fully clean and
acceptable before God all the time....Yours is the privilege, if you
want it, to come to know for yourself, today or soon, that you are
pleasing God in spite of your shortcomings.... I testify of a loving
Savior who is anxious for your confidence [to] wax strong in the
presence of God (D&C 121:45). "

Our new "salvation of souls" invitations we use when finding has been
really effective so far. It stretches us and gives us courage to open
our mouths. We are meeting people who have interest in the church and
who agree to come and learn more! There are prepared people all around
us. Open your mouth and share with them a truth that you hold dear!
And invite them to come to church... :)

Sunday: conference again!! My favorite was elder Scott's talk about
the four things we must do!! Nothing is more important than making
time for prayer, study of the scriptures, weekly family home evening,
and frequent temple attendance. These four things should always be our
number one priorities... Higher than work or school or sports,etc.
when we put God first, he will give us divine help and power.
I left conference with gratitude for living prophets, feeling the love
of God, and having a desire to do a little better and be a little
better. What were YOUR favorite parts of conference?
We had dinner with the Ganaha family. So cute and fun. I tried....
Goat. Ewww. I think it was goat intestines. It tastes like how a horse
smells. Haha apparently people in Okinawa like it. That was just to
try for fun... The real food was great! Anyway their family is
awesome. They have a few friends they've been thinking about sharing
the gospel with and have been praying about the best way to share it
with them. They also gave us some advice about the work in the area.

Monday: had lunch and shared a message with the Inoue couple. Really
cute... Felt the spirit way strong in their home. The husband was just
baptized three years ago and they've been able to go to the temple
together. He got in a pretty bad accident 2 years ago and is
experiencing a lot of health problems... He is in a wheelchair and has
a helper come and help him with simple things at home. They are so
positive and have great faith and love. We testified of the atonement
and of the power that it gives us to endure and overcome. Because we
have experienced the atonement in our lives, we have a desire to help
others experience that healing power in their lives as well. I know
Jesus lives. I know he loves us. He suffered for me and for you. We
are never are alone because he knows exactly what it's like when we
are facing a trial. I love my Savior. Because of him we can be Truly
happy!! How have YOU experienced the power of the atonement in your
We visited a member in the pourrrring crazy rain on our bikes for her
birthday. And then visited a potential investigator and hurried home
before 6. The mission asked all missionaries to be inside from 6
because the typhoon was coming. Lots of time to contact and do our
daily "training".

Today!! We got to go to the temple! I'm grateful for temples. When I
go to the temple I remember my purpose and my worth and I feel God's

Challenge: start fasting and praying now... Who do you know who could
be blessed by a knowledge of Gods plan for them? Set a goal... A
specific date... For when you will invite this person into your home
to learn more! The missionaries want to help you help your friends :)

I  LOVE each of you so much. I'm grateful to have each of you in my
life. Have a happy week!
Sister Reeves

We like to match... and take pictures (:

Moeka and Juri

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6th

Weekly update for ya....
My companion and I set some good goals and worked wayyy hard to reach
them. She is really good at setting specific goals and following up to
make sure she achieves them.
We wanted to visit a member every day, pass a Book of Mormon, exchange
contact information with 3 people, and teach 2 lessons each day. I'm
not sure if that sounds easy or not, but it took work.

Tuesday: We did a practice lesson with Suzuki Shimai. We taught the
law of tithing and the law of the fast. It was really hard and really
helpful. I realized how much vocabulary about tithing and how the
funds are used that I don't know... And then studied again in language
We visited 3 less active members and a new friend who lives near the
park. We were standing outside her home, just talking with her on her
porch, when this lady rides by on her bike and then stops to get
Tabata San's attention. She calls her over and asks her who her
"guests" were and wanted to make sure we weren't weird and that she
was okay. Just looking out for a neighbor. After walking through the
park, we headed home. On the way back, I of course said konnichiwa to
everyone. I said hello to her and didn't realize at first that it was
the same lady. She stopped and glared at us up and down and went on
her way. It was such a weird experience. Just a day in the life of a

Wednesday: We visited Hirata Shimai and had lunch and a lesson with
her. She is a convert of about 4 years and still doesn't have a lot of
knowledge about the church. We have been encouraging her to read the
Book of Mormon every day even if she doesn't understand what she
reads. We've given her a list of our favorite parts and followed up on
her "homework" at church. She had questions about trials that we can't
overcome. She has a lot of health problems and knows that they won't
just go away even though Christ suffered for her trials. We shared
part of the talk from last conference, Bear Up Their Burdens With
Ease. It's by Elder Bednar. Everyone should definitely go read it
again. Anyway, i testified to her about why we have trials. I
explained that God wants us to grow and opposition is the way we can
do that. He wants us to be humble and rely on him. She told me on
Sunday that I'm really strict....
We visited some potential investigators in the area and then dropped
by a sick member's home to bring her some jello.
Then.. English class. Sister Eyring and I teach the advanced class.
It's really fun because the students are really good at English and we
can have deep discussions. Students often bring up questions they have
about the church. We can't actively proselyte or teach the gospel
during that hour, but it's really cool to be able to share beliefs and
ideas with these friends. One of our students has read half the Book
of Mormon and this last week she asked if our church had repentance or
confession because she often felt like she wanted to talk to someone
when she was younger. She always leaves class soooo fast when it's
over but she needs the gospel!!! Sister Eyring and I are on Mission:
Stop The English Class Student Before She Leaves So We Can Invite Her
To Hear The Restored Gospel.

Thursday: I was invited to attend Mission Leadership Council and it
was amazing!!! I seriously learned soooo much. I left feeling like I
was a successful missionary. This time I am devoting to serve the Lord
is an imperfect offering to him. He knows I can never do everything
and be perfect, but he accepts my efforts. But he also knows that I
can do better. I can constantly improve. It was fun learning with the
leaders of the mission and discussing how we as a mission can improve.
This mission has come a long way from its beginnings last summer and
we aren't done growing! President Wada is very inspired. He knows just
how to push us. He wants us to be productive but he also sees the need to
slow down and train his mission full of new missionaries. The newest
stretch he has given us is to invite those we talk with really boldly
and directly to either come to church or hear our message. We must use
the words, "will you?" Or we can't count it to our daily quota of
"Salvation of Souls" invitations. It's so different than how we
proselyted before. It's strong but it provides a choice. We never know
if we don't ask. It's hard to have 10 of those each day, but I love it
because people know our purpose. I used to feel like I was lying "in
wait to deceive." D&C 123:12
And now, we are making his purpose known! This church is true and
everyone is welcome!
8 Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto
the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no
flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the
merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his
life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the
Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being
the first that should rise.
2 Nephi 2:8

Friday: We had a lesson with Kana. We taught the plan of salvation and
she said of course she wants to go to the celestial kingdom... If
that's the most happy, who wouldn't?! She said she is interested in
learning more about Christ and his teachings. She agreed to read some
of the Book of Mormon and come to church sometime. She's really laid
back and care free and interested in new ideas. So grateful to be
meeting with her!
We visited a potential investigator, Merstrand Shimai and I had met
while housing. She said we had stopped by with perfect timing. She
lives alone and her husband recently passed away. She was really
grateful to have someone to talk to. She understands what we do as
missionaries, but doesn't have tons of interest in hearing our
message. She is Buddhist... She prays to her ancestors daily and goes
to worship each Sunday. She showed us her prayer book and we were able
to share our beliefs about eternal families and praying to God. She
wants us to visit again and she is interested in coming to ward
We met with Erina and read scriptures together in the chapel. We
talked about our covenants and the importance of taking the sacrament
each Sunday. She is one of my best friends. She is so brave to join
the church so young and by herself, without the support of her family.
I really love her and admire her. It's hard for her to come to church
on Sunday, because her school tests are in the morning. But she
understands that it's important to remember Christ, especially on
Sunday by taking the sacrament because we often forget during the
week. It's so important to have that reminder and fresh start. I
talked about how hard it was for me to go to church when I first got
to Japan because I didn't understand anything that was said. But I was
able to take the sacrament and I knew what that meant for me. I was
also able to feel love from the members even though I didn't
understand what they said either. This church is true and I have
really felt that here in Japan as i attend, and only understand the
meaning through the feelings in my heart.

Saturday: Exchange with Eyring Shimai. Way fun. We went to lunch with
Maria Shimai. She is a young single adult who is in Tokyo for acting
school. There aren't many her age at church and she hadn't made
friends very quickly upon moving here so it was hard for her to come
to church. Sister Bryson and I visited her and friendshipped her when
we came into the ward and she told Barnes Shimai recently that that is
why she has started coming to church again. We had so much fun with
her this week and we even invited the lady next to us at the
restaurant to come to church. She is thinking about going on a mission
but is nervous about all the rules. We also were able to study the
scriptures together at lunch and talk about why we are asked to fast
and pray. She agreed to fast for those who don't know God and help us
with the missionary work in the area.
We watched the general women's broadcast in kichijoji. The whole
meeting was incredible. As I listened I kept thinking about Choi
Shimai who is preparing for baptism and was so happy that she was
downstairs with members of our ward listening to these words of truth
in her native language. President Uchtdorfs closing testimony about
our worth as daughters of a Heavenly Father was AMAZING. Every woman
needs to read that talk every day. God loves us. For who we are today.
We came back to our area and made some visits to investigators and
taught a lesson at Regine's home. We reviewed the plan of salvation and
reset expectations. She loves the Lord and the Book of Mormon and she
prays often. She loves her husband and her baby and wants a happy
eternal family. She is uncertain about baptism but wants to learn
more. We talked about recognizing answers to prayer and promised her
that the Holy Ghost would teach her what she should do.
Sunday: After church we did a practice lesson with the ward mission
leader's wife. They are newly married and she is a return missionary
and so cute. It was probably the most helpful role play I've ever
done. She gave the best feedback and taught us using PMG. Amazing.
We had dinner with the Zellers and Regine. We watched the Restoration
video in Tagalog and testified of the Book of Mormon and how it is the
evidence of the truthfulness of this gospel. She had a good time and
felt so loved. The Zellers invited her back to join them for FHE
anytime and to bring her in-laws as well. As we left she apologized
saying she can understand English but just can't speak. She wanted us
to know that she really did appreciate their kindness and felt their

Today: typhoon. It was cold and realllyyyy rainy. We weren't allowed
to leave our house until 12. Now it's hot and humid.

I love you all. This church is true. God lives. Christ is our Savior.
We have a living prophet today who teaches us the will of our Heavenly
Father. As we listen and obey we can find the peace and strength we
need in this life to build happy families and prepare to meet God

Have a beautiful week.
We are so happy when the plan of salvation makes it on the wall of our
investigators bedrooms.

September 29th

Hello!! こんにちは!

Monday night: we went to FHE at the mission home with Terumi (I don't
know if I mentioned, but we call her choi Shimai now... It's a
confusing story.) president wada and sister wada decided to start
having fhe in their home once a month so we can bring friends and
investigators into the home of a member and be able to participate in
a spiritual lesson and fun activities. It went really well and I feel
so lucky to live so close to the mission home :)

Tuesday: zone conference in Tokorozawa! I always love zone conference
and learn so so so much. My companion sang a duet in English and I was
so proud of her! Our mission is working really hard to become more
productive. It's pretty hard with all of the missionaries being so
young though.... We are all just babies training babies. But the cool
thing is somehow it's all working out. God's work still works even with
imperfect 20 year olds helping him out.
D&C 35-13:15
13 Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are
unlearned and despised, to thresh the nations by the power of my

14 And their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shield and their
buckler; and I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully
for me; and their enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let
fall the sword in their behalf, and by the fire of mine indignation
will I preserve them.

15 And the poor and the meek shall have the gospel preached unto them,
and they shall be looking forth for the time of my coming, for it is
nigh at hand--

I'm grateful for all that I'm learning about my dependence on God.
When I put my trust in myself, I feel discouraged and useless. When I
put my trust in him, I recognize my weaknesses, and receive strength
through him who has all power. He is real and he is there for us and
we are never alone. He is mindful of each of his children and has a
plan for each and everyone of us. I'm grateful to be one of the weak
things of the world... And have this opportunity to preach the gospel!

Wednesday: We taught our new investigator, kana. We introduced the
Book of Mormon and shared our testimonies. The Book of Mormon has the
power to change lives. The Book of Mormon truly has brought me closer
to God and shown me what to do to find greater satisfaction in my
life. I highly recommend reading it and applying its teachings ;)
We had a lesson with choi Shimai, too! We taught about prophets and
the word of wisdom. She had heard of the word of wisdom before and
decided that if she was gonna be baptized she would eventually have to
stop drinking tea and coffee. Up until this lesson she was drinking
tea everyday except Sundays. She said she didn't really know why this
commandment was important until we explained it to her. She says she
wants to follow! She is progressing a lot and really changing. She is
opening up more and making more friends in the ward. I think she feels
really special having people around her who will love her.

Thursday: We had a lesson with Erina. We studied the scriptures and
talked about our baptismal covenant. We made a promise to love and
serve others and to always stand as a witness of God. We also talked
about the blessings we have received because of our covenants and our
membership in the church. The gospel has brought each of us an added
measure of joy and because we love others we should recommend to them
this key to happiness. Her parents don't really know that she is a
Christian and she hasnt been able to talk to them about the gospel.
She said that ever since we went to the temple together she has been
thinking about sharing the gospel with them. She is also thinking
about serving a mission. We love her!
10 And it came to pass that I beheld a tree, whose fruit was desirable
to make one happy.

11 And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the fruit
thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever
before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to
exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen.

12 And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with
exceedingly great joy; wherefore, I began to be desirous that my
family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable
above all other fruit.
1 Nephi 8:10-12
The fruit is the love of God. When we accept and live the gospel we
can feel that love and it brings us so much joy. Eat some good fruit!

Friday: we visited our new friend, Mori. She didn't want to hear
anything about the church but she loved just talking to us about
normal things. She loves Christ, but has something against churches.
Our job now is to just love. She almost gave me a kimono but I'm too
big for anything in Japan. Haha.
My companion and I have a new goal to leave a message (whether written
on a card or shared verbally in person) with a member of our ward each
day. Several of the older members of our ward live in the same area so
we ran around this gigantic apartment complex and delivered our
messages! Then we visited one of the couples with choi Shimai. We had
a really great lesson about faith. We all shared experiences with
experimenting with Gods words and having our faith strengthened. It's
okay to not know something for sure, but our desire to believe is
where our faith begins. Choi Shimai has lots of faith but doesn't
necessarily recognize it. I'm so grateful to be working with and
getting to know her.

Saturday: we participated in a young single adult mission preparation
activity in kichijoji. We became a 3人companionship. I'm not sure what
it's called in English... Three person? Anyway... We got to work with
Gushiken Shimai. She recently started filling out her mission papers
and is excited about serving a mission. We got to go out and proselyte
together in kichijoji for a few hours. It was crazy... So many
missionaries in one area. Really fun though to be able to reach that
many more people.
After the meeting Shitami Shimai and I were lucky enough to be able to
meet individually with sister wada. When president wada returned, I
was able to meet with him and study scriptures and receive a
priesthood blessing. He expressed so much confidence in me. He knows
I'm a good missionary and that's why he trusts me with such a
difficult task. He told me I need to be obedient to Gods commandments
and love my neighbors. My closest neighbor is my companion. As far as
companions go, he says this will be as hard as it will get. He knows I
can work hard each day and do so much missionary work... But my most
effective efforts right now may be to help her come unto Christ. Maybe
we won't meet the minimum standards expected of us but if our faith is
being strengthened and I am helping her know that she is a worthy
child of God, then I am doing my part.
When we returned home we planned for the following day and made a cake
for Regine's birthday!

Sunday: our ward missionary coordination? (No idea what it's called in
English) meeting went really well. Our ward mission leader also taught
the lesson in relief society and had the goal of getting the sisters
of the ward to make appointments with the missionaries to join our
lessons with investigators and meet with us for teaching practice and
allowing us to teach their families. It was actually way amazing. The
sisters were divided into groups and a companion set of missionaries
came and taught them as if they were investigators and we were able to
discuss our roles as missionaries and members in the work. Afterwards,
many sisters offered to have us over in their home with investigators
for meals and lessons.
We visited a less active member and then went housing around her
complex. No one opened the door... In Japan you can talk through an
intercom so it's pretty rare for someone to have enough interest in us
to come to the door. Anyway, one man said he was busy but said it was
okay if we came another time. Just as we were leaving, there was a man
putting fliers in the mailboxes as part of his job. We started talking
to him and he expressed interest in what we were doing and wanted to
come to church. He has read the bible and he was like "doesn't
everyone have interest in church?!" We were like "uhh... There are
actually many people who don't have interest. But you're amazing!!"
Then we went to Regine's house for her birthday. We were able to meet
her family members and eat dinner together.
Also... Choi Shimai is amazing. She gave us a gift at church to bring
to regine because she remembered it was her birthday. What?!
Investigators fellow shipping investigators?! Choi has such a kind
heart. She doesn't have work but she spends her time volunteering for
children who have been victims of abuse. She also has made baked goods
for the member who helps out with her lessons. She is always grateful
to anyone else who is a volunteer.
As I was riding my bike today I was thinking about how happy I am that
I get to be her friend forever. I'm so excited to continue helping her
to prepare for baptism. It's the best.
We then "heart attacked" Misako shimai's house. She is incredibly busy
right now and can't meet with us but we wanted her to remember we
loved her.
Then we visited a potential investigator... Randomly because I felt
like we should. She apologized for being slow to contact us and for
not really having tons of interest in coming to the church. I told her
more about what we do as missionaries and asked if we could share our
message with her and she said she would think about it! It's these
little things that seem like the biggest miracles to me!

Even when the work is slow, there is joy to be found. When we are
caught in the furious winds of our trials and tests... Remember that
these winds are what push us to the promised lands God has prepared
for us. These winds shape us for greater things. Without the hard
times, we can never grow. I'm grateful to be growing.
5 And it came to pass that the Lord God caused that there should be a
furious wind blow upon the face of the waters, towards the promised
land; and thus they were tossed upon the waves of the sea before the
Ether 6:5
Love you all so so so much!
Xoxo. Sister Reeves

Lesson with Choi at the Fukuda Home
Music with Tomoe
Night time heart attacking adventures
game night with Erina


Sister Shitami, ME, Erina